Egypt History
As you’re probably more
than aware, Egypt’s history dates back thousands upon
thousands of years. Egyptians divide their history into five
eras, beginning with the Pharaonic Era.
The Pharaonic Era dates all the way back to 3000 years B.C.
and stretches to 323 B.C., when Alexander the Great conquered
Egypt. In 3200 B.C., the north and south of Egypt were unified
by the first ruling
As the years passed, Egyptians enjoyed stability and peace, pushing
forth economic and cultural progress. So much so, in fact, that
this period—known as the Old Kingdom—ushered forth great
architectural accomplishments, including the building of the Giza
Pyramids. The economy remained strong but truly began to flourish
when the Prince of Thebes rose to throne and founded a powerful
government. Subsequent kings and queens ventured further out in
the world, receiving acclaim for its great technological and cultural
advancements. In 1725 B.C., Egypt was attacked and occupied, and
while the princes of Thebes managed to push the invaders out of
the country, it was occupied once again by the Assyrians and the
Persians Alexander. But the Pharaohs’ rule didn’t end,
officially, until Alexander the Great appeared and conquered Egypt.
Still, he came well after the Egyptians had already invented writing,
or the “hieroglyphic alphabet,” and mastered the art
of storytelling.
The Greek Era began as Alexander the Great expelled the once-ruling
Persians into Asia and founded a new capital for Egypt (yes, Alexandria).
Upon Alexander’s death, Egypt was ruled by his general and
the Ptolemic Dynasty, which reigned from 323 B.C. to 30 B.C. Egyptians,
however, revolted and eventually cleared a path for the Romans to
step in during the reign of Cleopatra in 30 B.C. There were great
accomplishments made during the Greek Era, including the building
of the Lighthouse at the Mediterranean Sea, considered by the Greeks
as one of the Seven Wonders of the World. The great library of that
era was also housed in Alexandria, with more than half a million
papyrus rolls stored on shelves. The Roman Era began in 30 B.C.,
when the Roman Empire declared Egypt its most precious property
because of its fertile land and cultural development. Certain industries
flourished in Egypt during this time, including glass manufacturing
and blowing, perfume manufacturing and the production of fine linens.
The Coptic Era, the fourth era, began when Christianity penetrated
Egypt in the first half of the first century A.D. In 65 A.D., the
first Coptic Church was established in the country until a Roman
emperor suppressed the Copts at the end of the third century. Nevertheless,
Coptic architecture spread throughout the country and its followers
were similarly influenced by Egyptian culture (that’s why,
even today, the Coptic Church still has Pharaonic names for certain
church melodies). But the golden age of Egypt arguably arose when
the Islamic Era began. Mosques, fortresses, monuments and decorative
arts blossomed throughout the country. Other notable arts ushered
in during this period include wood engraving, Islamic style textiles,
porcelain production and stained glass.
The Modern Era, which has been credited as being ushered in by
Muhammad Ali during the first half of the 19th Century, began with
economic revival. The agriculture industry boomed, with special
attention given to irrigation systems and the building of dams and
canals. Factories were erected and trade partnerships strengthened
around the globe. Other, subsequent, advancements included the opening
of the Suez Canal in 1869. But a dark shadow fell over the country
when Britain occupied Egypt in 1914, until five years later, the
1919 Revolution called for independence. It happened—on February
28, 1922 (now known as Independence Day)—and the first Egyptian
Constitution was issued a year later. The country still struggled,
though, until there was a socio-economic turnaround following the
1952 Revolution, which is celebrated every July 23 as the country’s
national holiday.
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