Orlando. |
City of Orlando - The official web site of the City of Orlando. Links to budget information, city officials, economic development, education, and departmental offices.
Orlando Fire Department - Official site, includes department history, community programs, fire safety information, and activity schedule.
Society and Culture
Andover Lakes News - News, bulletin board, schools, city information and other resources for the family home community of Andover Lakes.
Carrafiello Family - Pictures and personal pages of the family members.
Central Florida Boxer Rescue - Group of volunteers working against time to help Boxer Dogs in need. Always in need of qualified homes for our dogs, transportation, and foster homes.
Central Florida Compensation and Benefits Association - Provides educational and networking opportunities for local compensation and benefits professionals.
Central Florida Computer Society - PC user group exchanging computer tips and techniques. Membership and event information.
Central Florida Watercolor Society - Designed to promote watercolor and provide support and education for all those interested in watercolor as a permanent art medium.
Community Foundation of Central Florida - Established to hold endowments for the benefit of the community and to strengthen and promote vitality. Charities, how to donate, and contact information.
Hispanic Business Initiative Fund of Greater Orlando - HBIF provides bilingual assistance to the Hispanic business community to enhance opportunities by providing the tools to build successful enterprises.
Orlando Humane Society/SPCA of Central Florida - Helps pets through programs and services. Become a member of the Orlando Humane Society and make a difference in the lives of many homeless or abused animals.
Orlando National Organization for Women - Features meeting schedule and contact information.
Orlando Scottish Heritage Group - Organization formed to educate people about the culture, heritage and contributions of the Scots. Site describes activities such as the ceilidh, irkin, and golf tournament as well as listing officers and contacts.
Orlando Seniors - Bulletin board and links to resources for local seniors.
The Scottish-American Society of Central Florida
Stoneybrook News Online - News, schools, community information, bulletin board and links to city resources for the planned home and golf community.
Waterford Lakes - News, schools, community information, bulletin board and links to city resources for the planned home community of Waterford Lakes.
Whirl and Twirl Square Dance Club - Schedule of square dance and round dance events, pictures and links.
Bryant Foundation Collection of West Indies Art - Paintings, sculpture, fiber arts, household items, and musical instruments housed on the fifth floor of the University of Central Florida library. Photos with titles, dimensions, and descriptions.
The Mennello Museum - American folk art with permanent collection devoted to Earl Cunningham of St. Augustine. Schedule of additional exhibits, history of benefactors Marilyn and Michael Mennello of Winter Park.
Orange County Regional History Center - Information on membership, education, events and programs, vacation planning, and exhibits.
Orlando Travel Guides
Frommer's Orlando
Lonely Planet Orlando
Let's Go Orlando
Fodors Orlando