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Top Tucson Attractions
The first time you visit Tucson, or any new destination,
the question asked isn’t usually what attractions should be
scene but what attraction to see first, what to expect, how to get
there, and how much time is needed. We’ve provided tips, advice,
and other information about the top tourist attractions in Tucson
to help with your itinerary planning.
The Barrio Viejo
One neighborhood in downtown Tucson, the Barrio Viejo (or Barrio Historico),
is so unique and beautiful that it has become an attraction unto
itself. Situated just south of the Convention Center and government
buildings, these quiet residential grounds make an ideal morning
or late afternoon walking tour. Incorporating one of Tucson’s
inimitable sunrises or sunsets can only make the tour more memorable.
Walking south on Meyer or Convent Street, you’ll take in the
many eccentric adobe houses, with bright murals on their walls and
xeriscaped desert gardens in their yards. Pay special attention
to the details of these homes as many feature artistic touches in
wrought iron or tile. Walk east to Stone Avenue to visit the grand
St. Augustine Cathedral in classic Spanish Mission style and the
historic Stone Avenue Synagogue, newly restored and open for visits.
As you walk back north, your camera almost out of film, visit the
altar to El Tiradito (the Castaway) on Main Street, the only Catholic
shrine to a person who was not a saint. After the walk, cap your
tour with a drink and a meal in the patios of El Minuto Café
or the Cushing Street Bar and Grill. The cooing of doves from the
palms and mesquite trees will still be clear in the air. It’s
these unchanged charms of the Barrio Viejo that are the true essence
of Tucson.
Sonora Desert Museum
2021 North Kinney Road |
$9 Adults May - Oct, $12 Adults Nov - Apr |
8:30 AM - 5:00 PM |
(520) 883-1380 |
www.desertmuseum.org |
Reached by a narrow road that winds out of the city toward Saguaro
National Park, the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum has long been the
favorite destination for visitors interested in the desert world
of the southwest. All the notable plant and animal life of the Sonora
Desert are present in this well-maintained zoo and botanical garden.
(“Museum” is rather a misnomer.) Here are all the cacti,
shrub-life, and trees with information about their distinct adaptations
to a waterless land. More exciting is the chance to see a javelinas
(a variant of a wild pig), mountain lions, gila monsters, and rattlesnakes.
In spring the wildflowers bloom gorgeously and in one walk-in apiary
the air will buzz from the flight of dozens of hummingbirds.
There is more to find in the desert beyond the confines of this
zoo, if you’ve got the time and energy. Drive and park in
a dirt lot directly across the street from the museum entrance.
Walk down the dry wash, keeping eyes open for birds and reptiles,
and after about a quarter-mile you will find a ledge covered with
ancient petroglyphs. Finally, if you want an even less supervised
desert experience, drive on to the National Park (here it is free)
and chose any of the dozens of hiking trails. And though it should
be the rule with everything you do in Tucson, it is absolutely essential
that you bring water and keep well-hydrated throughout your time
in the desert. You can’t over-prepare for the heat that you’ll
Mission San Xavier del Bac
The historical differences between the British-colonized east coast of the
United States and the Spanish-owned southwest are even wider than
their geographical distances. No landmark epitomizes the Spanish
Empire’s bygone presence in this land like the Mission San
Xavier del Bac, one of the greatest extant examples of Spanish Missionary
architecture in the country. Formerly a self-sustaining community
of Franciscan friars and indigenous Pima Indians, the Mission is
located in the current-day Tohono O’odham Reservation, about
ten miles southwest of Tucson by Rte. 19. The reservation is in
an extremely barren rugged landscape; the rivers long ago dried
up and the ground is covered by grisly cholla cactus. By contrast,
the gold and whitewashed stucco steeples of San Xavier del Bac stand
out conspicuously. Inside, the walls of the nave are covered by
splendid frescoes representing the Native American heritage. There
are serene porticoes around the inner courtyard and a few nearby
hills that offer distant overlooks. A lot of work has been done
restoring the Mission in the past years and the results of this
effort are impressive; it appears quite timeless. Mass is still
conducted and is open to visitors; however, if you go strictly as
a tourist, be sure to be respectful in this place of worship. There
are nice local crafts sold around the parking area of the Mission,
which provide a good way of giving back to this host community.
Museums at the
University of Arizona
Tucson is too young of a modern city to have museums that can rival
those in art meccas like New York or Chicago – but because
of the large resources of the University of Arizona, there are a
number of cultural landmarks of originality and distinction. A visit
to this sprawling campus is worthwhile.
Two museums, the Arizona State Museum and Arizona Historical Society,
are dedicated to the history of the southwest, both its geological
evolution and its inhabitation by humans. The Flandrau Science Center
and Planetarium offers exhibits, shows, and night viewings through
its telescope. Because of the cloudless, unpolluted skies, Tucson
(and its environs) is the best astronomical site in the country,
and these viewings are a special treat.
The Center for Creative Photography is one of UA’s rarest
gems. The revolving exhibits showcase the world’s most famous
photographers, many of the pictures coming straight from the University’s
unparalleled photography library. But the most coveted and difficult
tickets to get are for the football and basketball games of the
Arizona Wildcats. If you should visit during either of these seasons,
the spectacle that surroundings each game is fairly remarkable;
city-wide street parties follow each big victory.
Mount Lemmon
One of the amazing aspects of Tucson is the extreme shift in climate and ecology
that you can experience by driving from the city to the top of Mount
Lemmon in the Catalina Mountains. As you drive up the slow serpentine
road you’ll leave the hills of Saguaro Cactus, cross through
intermediary zones of Live Oaks and Pinyon Pines, and finally emerge
at nine thousand feet in a forest of Ponderosa Pines, Aspens, and
even some Douglas Firs. In the winter the mountain is snowbound
and there are some minor slopes for skiing. In the summer, Mount
Lemmon is a gorgeous – if crowded – haven from the heat
of the valley. Depending on your ambitions, your activities can
range from a rugged full-day hike to scenic strolls and picnicking
to simple enjoyment of the rock formations and spectacular cliffside
views of the city. Fires ravaged this mountain in 2003, but there
are still plenty of trails and overlooks open for use. There is
also a small chalet-town called Summerhaven near the summit that
has some overpriced restaurants and lodges. The pie at Mt. Lemmon
Café is quite locally renowned. If you’ve got the time
and don’t mind a little initial traffic, a day in Mount Lemmon
is a wonderful way to round off your time in Tucson.
Tucson Travel Guides
Frommer's Tucson
Lonely Planet Tucson
Let's Go Tucson
Fodors Tucson